Multi Age Saturday Clay Classes

Three different Multi-Age Clay Classes will be offered Fall/Winter 2024

About The Class

  • 10:00 am – 12:00 noon  Or  1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
  • $50.00 per person
  • Age restricted to 6+, class size is 10 people max.
  • All supplies including tools, clay and glaze are included.
  • Clay is dirty, bring an art shirt or apron to wear. 
  • Clay projects will not be ready to go home until dried and fired. You will be contacted when you can pick-up.       

This multi age class is the perfect opportunity for a couple of friends, couples or parent/grandparent and child to get your hands dirty and learn a new skill. Singles are encouraged and very welcome!  This will be a slab clay class, very different from the potter’s wheel. 

Fall/Winter  2024

October 5th & 12th  -Hand Built Clay Mug & Snack Plate- 10:00 AM-Noon  

November 2nd & 9th   -Hand Built Large Clay Plant Pot- 1:00 – 3:00 PM

December 7th & 14th  -Hand Built Large Clay Vase- 10:00 AM-Noon  

Multi Age Clay Class

Join the fun!

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Lancaster Art Room has permission to use photos of my children or their artwork for promotional purposes, including advertising, website, and/or social media

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